The Toolbox parenting courses are bursting with practical strategies, ideas and insights to inspire and equip you wherever you’re up to on your parenting journey, be it Baby and Toddler Years, Primary Years or Teenage Years.
Toolbox courses are held over eight (8) weeks in a relaxed and casual environment aimed to encourage conversations and sharing in small group settings.
Friendly and supportive trained local facilitators will ensure each session flows smoothly and will assist participants in engaging with the material. Each session will leave you with a range of activities and strategies to try at home.
This programme was developed by The Parenting Place, New Zealand. The principles and ideas contained in this programme have been gleaned from many sources. This wealth of knowledge have been drawn from many experts in the area of parenting.
On top of that, you will find that the sharing from other parents in your course will also be a great resource for you. Ideas shared will inspire you in raising the family you have always dreamt of.

Baby & Toddler 0-4
The Baby and Toddler years Toolbox will support you to develop a strong and loving bond with your child, and lay some good foundations for the rest of their lives.

Primary Years
The Primary years Toolbox will support you to develop a strong and loving bond with your child, and build your confidence as a parent/caregiver.

Teenage Years 11-18
The Teenage years Toolbox will support you on your journey of letting go and handing over some of the controls as your young person learns to fly solo.

It's for YOU, if you are:
A parent who just wants to be a better parent
Looking for solutions to get your child to do what he or she should without resorting to yelling, bribery and frustration
Searching for better ways to connect with your child
Wanting to make your parenting journey the best ever!

Love is the Foundation
Parenting Styles
Stronger, Deeper, Closer
Heart-led Parenting
Disciplining without shouting, force or fluster
Putting it all together
Participants will be able to
Identify a clear vision for the family
Adopt a parenting style that will help the child reach his/her full potential
Connect with the child on a richer level
Discipline lovingly with effective results
Practice purposeful parenting
At the Toolbox course, you will have access to a collective sum of experience and knowledge through other parents in the same boat, and the effective content of the course.
What participants say ...
How do I register for the course?To register for the course, simply go to the Courses page (or click on the "I'm Interested" button) and click on the 'Register Now' button. You will just need to fill up some basic info and then you will be sent an email containing payment details. You will need to make the payment within 48 hours in order to complete your registration. There are limited spots in each course.
How much is the Parenting Toolbox course?The course rate is RM800 per participant and is inclusive of the following: - Participant manual - 6 modules - 1 Parent Coaching session - Graduation ceremony - Certificate of Completion To encourage both parents to attend together, we are giving one spouse a 50% discount. The Couple course rate is RM1200. Just click on Couple Ticket and select qty '1' at checkout. Very often we parent-by-default -- we face the situations as it comes, using our own parents methods, or what we know best at that time. When you invest in a course like this, you are honouring your position as a parent and deciding to parent-by-design. You have a chance to choose where you want your family to head towards and be purposeful in your parenting. This kind of investment will definitely reap high returns -- not only for yourself, but for your whole family and for generations to come.
What is the duration of the Toolbox Parenting Course?There are 8 sessions in the course. The first 6 module sesssions are 2 hours for each session. The following 2 sessions consists of a Parent Coaching session and a Grad Bash ceremony. So, essentially, this is an 8 week course.
Do both parents need to attend the course together?To have a healthy and happy family, it does take a lot of effort from both parents. It is always better to have a united front when implementing these tools to see effective results. Because we strongly encourage both parents to attend together, we are giving a 50% discount for one spouse if you both sign up together. Just click on Couple Ticket (qty: 1) on checkout. However, we do understand that there might be unique circumstances, and only 1 parent is able to make it. No problem! We commend your effort and greatly welcome you!
I am a single parent. Can I still attend this course?A big resounding YES! The principles and tools learnt in this course can be just as effective if you are parenting alone. There are even some tips for single parents included in the participant manual.
I am a grandparent who wants to know more so that I can help raise my grandchildren. Can I attend this course?In today's times, it is not uncommon for grandparents to be the main caregivers for the their grandchildren. As a caregiver, you may find the tools and principles in the course very helpful in raising your grandchildren in this new era. It sure would be a good idea to take this course to build your own knowledge.
Can my child/children be with me during the sessions?The course is meant only for parents. In order for you to have complete focus and get the most of the sessions, we recommend that you make arrangements for your child/children to be cared for during that period. However, there may be circumstances where that might not be possible (e.g. lockdown). With that, we have had parents who successfully managed to get through the sessions with their children around. Just needs a little bit more planning (planned nap time, activities to occupy them, snacks, etc) and prepared mindset.
This sounds like a course that would be suitable for someone I know. Can I give this course as a gift to someone?That is a very sweet and thoughtful idea! All you have to do is to register the person's info in the registration form, but put your own email so we can send you the payment details to complete the registration. Kindly indicate to us in the space given on the registration form that you are giving this course as a gift to someone and provide the actual email of the person in that message. It's as simple as that!
What if I cannot make it for one or some of the days of the course?One of the true beauty and treasure in this course is found in the discussions and sharing during the classroom sessions. We would strongly encourage you to attend all the sessions for the course, but if for some very important reason, you are not able to, you will need to catch up on the reading for the session on your own, as well as do the homework for the week. The facilitators will be available for you if you have any questions.
Who are the trainers of the course?Each course will be facilitated by trained personnel authorised by the Parenting Place, New Zealand.
Will there be homework or assignments given?The tools and principles taught in the course are really very effective! But they are only effective if they are put into practice. After each session, we believe that you'll be excited to practice what you've learnt on your own child. It's always encouraging when you come back with reports on how it went for you.
What are the topics covered in the course?Session 1 Love is the foundation Session 2 Parents Session 3 Stronger, deeper, closer Session 4 Heart-led parenting Session 5 Discipline without shouting, force or fluster Session 6 Putting it all together
Will there be a certificate of completion given at the end of the course?At the end of the course, we will organize a Grad Bash ceremony that you can invite your family and friends to so they can witness your graduation from the course you have attended. We know that attending a course like this takes tremendous effort and investment of your time and resource. That's why we would like to celebrate this achievement with you!
Okay, this sounds good, but what if after attending and I find that it's not right for me?"If for some reason, you find that the course is not right for you, please inform the course facilitators within the first two weeks and we would be happy to give you a full refund minus the cost of the participant manual. That is our promise to you. We stand behind the courses!
The course that I would like to attend is currently not available. How can I be informed when it is available?To inform us about your interest in a particular course, please go to the Contact Us form and let us know your details and which course you would like to be updated about. When the course date is confirmed, we will send you an email to update you. Alternatively, if you have a minimum number of parents (6) and would like to start an exclusive group, you can also inform us and let's discuss on the possibility of running the course for you. This is subject to availability of facilitators.
I'm interested in the Parenting Toolbox course but I cannot afford it.Our desire is that cost will never be a barrier for anyone. If you are unable to contribute in this way, please contact us for options.
If I can get a group together, can I arrange for a Toolbox course to be run exclusively for my group?"The minimum number of adults to run a course is 6 pax. If you have the minimum number of adults to run this course, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss the possibility of running an exclusive course for you. This arrangement is subject to the availability of the facilitators, ya!
I've attended a Parenting Toolbox course before and I am interested to be a facilitator. Please advise.If you have attended a Parenting Toolbox course, congratulations! You have passed the first requirement to being a facilitator. Please do contact us and let's discuss over a cuppa. More facilitators, means more courses, more courses means more families to benefit, more families benefiting means communities will benefit! Can you see the ripple effect? YES! Hope you are as excited as we are!